She is up to getting 37 ml of milk every three hours- here is some exciting news- she is breastfeeding twice a day and taking a bottle once a day. She doesn't get her whole feeding yet- it is hard work for a little baby to suck that much! So, whatever she doesn't get they give her through her NG tube. When we started breastfeeding she was getting about 5 ml. Today she took 15!! I'm so happy about this! Todd has been giving her the bottle at night and she has been taking about 15 ml too! The bottle is a little easier, but we are thrilled that she is doing so well breastfeeding too!
She is starting to be much more alert- especially around her care times. She is growing and learning to eat....exactly what she needs to be doing. Her breathing remains great- we are so thankful for this, and she is staying healthy!
Speaking of healthy- they offer what are called "lunch and learns" every Thursday for NICU families. These have been great and I have made some news friends! Last week we talked about infection risk. Preemies have immature immune systems just like everything else about them. This means I have to be a little crazy about germs for the first year of her life at least! She shouldn't be in the grocery store, at Target, around anyone with any symptoms of respiratory illness, and in general she can't be passed around like a new term baby. We have to wash our hands ALL the time, make sure our clothes are clean, and wear masks if we get sick. Harper is going to have to become a little OCD about the hand washing, but better safe than sorry!
We know a lot of you want to meet her and hold her, so please don't be offended if we say no, or ask you to wash your hands, or ask if you are sick, or ask if you have had the TDAP vaccination. We only want to keep her safe and prevent her from ending up in the hospital again. You can call me crazy, but I will do whatever I can to keep her safe and healthy!
Thank you SO much for all of the continued thoughts and prayers- and meals!! We are so very blessed with great people in our lives!